1. I was born May 21,1975
2. I got married when I was 30
3. I met my husband at my company Christmas party.
4. We dated a year and a 1/2 before we married
5. I am going to have a baby girl in September
6. I have had a total of 20 different roommmates.
7. I've spent a considerable amount of time kareoking
8. I am terrified of public speaking
9. I have my associates degree in Fashion merchandising
10. If I had enough money I would go to school at FIDM or Parsons.
11. I feel confident giving fashion advice
12. My favorite color is purple
13. My perfume of choice is Burberry London
14. My favorite store is Nordstrom
15. I love people watching(the airport is my fav spot)
16. My toyota camry just turned 200,000 miles
17. I was born a blonde but matured into a brunette
18. I love change when it comes to my hair
19. I've decided to grow my hair out...for now.
20. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't enjoy reading
21. My favorite song when I was little - mama's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys
22. I wanted to be a rodeo queen when I was little
23. I don't really like country music that much
24. I like Jello and Hot Dogs despite the rumors
25. I love chocolate
26. I used to drink ridiculous amounts of diet coke.
27. I don't like toilets that automatically flush. I feel that I am capable of controlling the situation
28. I hate public restrooms.
29. I was attacked at the Hogle Zoo during the bird show. A falcon landed on my shoulder and ripped my shirt.
30. I like the smell of skunks.
31. I think my husband is an amazing artist
32. I have no talent but that hasn't stopped me from entering talent competitions
33. I've rollerskated in a ward/stake talent show
34. I wish I could sew.
35. I played soccer for my highschool team
36. I won the school spelling bee when I was in the 4th grade
37. I laugh at my own jokes
38. I love to go to the movies
39. Long movies drive me crazy. I'm good for an hour and a half
40. I used to be outgoing but I'm not anymore
41. I worry too much about what other people think
42. I don't like it when other people correct my grammar. I think it's rude
43. I love celebrity gossip
44. I don't like to talk on the phone that much. I would rather talk face to face
45. I am a customer service manager for a calendar company.
46. I don't like confrontation
47. I'm not good at expressing my feelings.
48. I am a deep sleeper
49. I used to have an alarm clock called the sonic boom. It shook my bed, flashed a light in my face and made that annoying alarm sound
50. I am not a morning person
51. I love breakfast food but I don't like to take the time to eat it.
52. I love cookie dough more than the finished product
53. I'm scared of Moose
54. I'm not into scrapbooking
55. I have travelled to Prague, Hungary, Austria, Italy, France and Switzerland.
56. I want to visit New York someday.
57. I'm not a dog person.
58. I worked with a girl that called in sick because her dog was sick - that's weird
59. I can't watch talk shows like Jerry Springer or Montel. They seriously depress me
60. I would rather park my car clear across the parking lot than circle around in hopes there is a space closer to my destination.
61. I believe one of the best shows that is no longer on television is Arrested Development. It's hilarious
62. I have never been in a tanning bed
63. I have the disease Michael Jackson claims to have. That's probably the reason I've never been tanning
64. I don't wear a lot of makeup in general but I probably wear too much mascara.
65. I think it's rude when someone asks how much I've paid for something.
66. It bugs me when people harmonize the "Happy Birthday" song. You don't need to make this song sound pretty.
67. I'm proud of the fact that I've lived alone, paid my own rent/utilities/bills without help from my parents.
68. I haven't had any crazy cravings with my pregnancy.
69. I've never had a broken bone, never been a patient at a hospital.
70. They say pregnancy comes with super smelling powers. I seem to be sensitive to bad breathe and my own armpits.
71. I love my family
72. I miss living in Eden Ut.
73. Halloween,Christmas and the 4th of July are my favorite Holidays
74. Favorite Halloween costume - wonder woman(I think I was 5)
75. Most regretted Halloween costume - identical twins with my husband. We wore the same shirt, twinner wigs, mustache and painted on eyebrows. I've never felt uglier.
76. I don't like receiving flowers on valentines day.
77. I wish I could dance well. I'm about 70% uncoordinated.
78. I like Grey's Anatomy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for season 3.
79. I love romantic comedies.
80. I'm not an open book. It takes a while to get to know me.
81. I'm cluttery (I take after my Dad)
82. I know I'm not the best driver but I've never caused an accident.
83. I don't like it when someone steals my joke and takes credit for it.
84. I like my name.