Friday, August 31, 2007

Kind of funny

I've been keeping my eye out for some cute ribbon to make hairbows with. Today I picked up a black and white gingham check print that came on a teeny tiny spool. I found it in the card making section at the craft store. When I got home I thought I would start production only to find out that the ribbon has red writing on it. I didn't read the writing before purchase because I foolishly assumed it was only on the plastic covering. Well, my cute little ribbon says "over the hill" repeatedly throughout the entire spool. I guess I wont be using it for baby bows. I got a good laugh out of it and it was only 99 cents. I really should pay more attention.


the Rabes said...

Confession!!! I have done the same. I purchased some ribbon to make a bow for Sophie's blessing and when I starting making it I noticed. I love you written all over it (which relates, but not my style). I love that you have done the same, I knew we were good friends!

Molly said...

That's hilarious. I'm not very good with tying bows, so I bought those little bags of bows that they have at craft stores in the ribbon aisle for a buck or so, then just stuck them in her hair with KY Jelly. I'm sure you're thinking, "what, KY Jelly?" but it works awesome! If you use to much it doesn't dry fast enough to stick, but try it, it's great. The bows were great too, because if we lost one I wasn't all sad because I had a whole bag at home. Anyway, just something that worked for me.