Monday, August 20, 2007

Gingerbread Baby

I had the craziest dream last night or I guess early this morning. I dreamt that my baby was about the size of my thumbnail. She was also flat and looked more like a gingerbread man. I remember trying to put covers over her but they kept covering up her little face. I know, pretty weird. Don't judge me.


Carly said...

Gotta love those pregnancy dreams...

Molly said...

I wish I would have written my preggers dreams down. I would wake up and tell J about them and we'd laugh, but I can't remember them now.

Libby said...

Did your gingerbaby have gumdrop buttons?

Unknown said...

Here is my interpretation of your dream: your daughter will feel a "cookie cut" existence and will resist peer pressure later in life.
Or: She will be very sweet...and unusually flat.