Tuesday, December 4, 2007


My sister tagged me. I have to share 6 facts or habits about myself.
Here goes...
1. I can't bring myself to use bodywash. I grew up washing with a bar of soap so mentally I don't feel clean enough if I use bodywash. Yep, I'm a soap girl. What can I say...it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
2. I used to love the show breakin(breakin 2 electric bugaloo is also a fav). My sister Holly and I turned the bedroom in my parents basement into a Breakin' shrine. No joke. We wrote "I love Ozone" and "I love Turbo" all over the walls in black magic marker.
3. I own black leather pants. I wore them on a date once. He was fancy so I guess I thought I had to dress the part. I think that was the only time I wore them. In my defense it was about 8 years ago and they were hip back then.
4. In elementary school my sister and I participated in the little buckaroo rodeo. Our event...Goat Tieing. One of us was in charge of wrestling the goat and the other one had to tie him up. I think our goat was a loose cannon so we didn't take home any prizes.
5. When I was living in SLC, I tried to prevent my car from being towed by locking myself in it. The tow man had one side hooked up but I wasn't going down without a fight. To make a long story short. He didn't tow me then but returned in the middle of the night to collect. I ended up getting my car back for free.
6. I used to own a red bra from VS. I threw it away when I realized it couldn't be trusted. The padding fell out without me knowing it. It fell out at work and one of my coworkers was waiving it in the air shouting "did someone lose their shoulder pad." My headphones were on so I missed the announcement. Later that day I found it on the desk by the timeclock.


Libby said...

You crack me up!! I must say that in my life-I'm happy for body wash. Mysterious whiskers on the bar of soap are two yucko for me!

the Rabes said...

You are too funny! I seriously remember the towing story. I like that you wouldn't give up. I haven't heard the bra story from work, you are going to have to share that with me.