Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bruce C

Campbell started out the day wearing a cute purple jacket but I took it off because she spit up all over it. I didn't bother to put another top on her because it was nice and warm inside. When Nate saw her she was wearing the outfit you see in the photo. He told me she was dressed like Bruce Lee or some kind of martial artist. It made me laugh really hard. I always enjoy Nate's observations.


Carly said...

Hy-yah! (or however else you would spell that). Love it, so cute.

Anonymous said...

Cutest Bruce Lee I have ever seen. At lest she doesn't have his "wife beater" shirt on. Love that baby. momma

Molly said...

Campbell is so cute! She's already so big and standing. I'm so proud of you figuring out the picture posting thing! I just figured out how to pull stuff off the the web.
P.S. I like C's socks!

Libby said...

I think that the pose in the picture really adds to the martial artistry of it all. I can totally imagine Nate saying something like this by the way.

Heather said...

That's too funny! And I like her socks too!!!