Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Blogging in 2008

Blogging...I'm not good at it. This is why....
*I care too much about what other people think. I have gone back and deleted about half of my posts.
*I am too lazy to figure out how to create slide shows or post any personal photos for that matter.
*One of the reasons I started blogging was to keep a journal. I've done a horrible job at that. I haven't kept a good record of Campbell's growth and that makes me sad.

I've thought about making my blog private but it kind of takes the fun out blogging. I know some people want to protect their kids. I can respect that. I'm not concerned or worried for that matter. I highly doubt anyone is going to kidnap my baby. I don't plan on blogging about my address or the secret number that opens the garage door. Even if I decided to go private I would still worry about what other people think so there really is no point.

So... one of my goals for this new year is to be a better blogger(journal keeper). I am going to try and post at least twice a week. One of the posts will be about my daughter and how cute she is. I make no apologies. I want to keep a better record of my life so I have something fun to look back on. I am also going to figure out how to post personal photos. Oh, and I am not going to delete any more posts. (The B is now functioning on the laptop. I will fight the urge to delete my last post)

This post is more for me than anyone else. If I have all of this in writing perhaps I will follow through.


Libby said...

Hurray!! I for one am pumped about your announcement. I love your posts. They always put a big smile on my face. I do understand your self consciousness (is that even a word?) about blogging. I cringe when I think about some past posts, but who cares?! Your friends and fam will still love you even if you admit embarrassing truths. Well-I will at least!!

Carly said...

Okay, I am going to hold you to this ha, ha. I'm always here if you need some assistance. Go Robin's Refreshments!

the Rabes said...

I look forward to the new posts. I hope to see a pic of Campbell soon! I love her!! Happy New Year!! I am glad I got to see you over Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe you deleted some of your blogs. They make me laugh so hard.I can't wait to see pics of Campbell Grace. Sometimes that is the only way I know what is going on in yours and Carly's and Mac's family's life. I rely on them. Love ya, momma