Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hairpy Birthday Mom!

Mom...You are the best! I hope you don't kill me for posting this pic. I believe Nikki named the photo "the helmet family." I think my hair looks more like a cowboy hat than a helmet. Back in the day our hair was hip thanks to you Mom. You always kept us on the cutting edge of hair fashion. I remember when you busted out the fishtail braid, all my friends were so jealous. I remember after Star Wars you were one of the few moms that could recreate Princess Leia's look. Sometimes looking good caused a lot of pain(ie burns from the curling iron, tight braids that pulled my face really tight)but hey, we survived.
I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. You are one of my best friends and I seriously don't know what I would do without you. I will apologize in advance for what I am about to say but it goes with the photo. Happy Birthday...Hairs lookin' at you kid.


Anonymous said...

You are forgiven. Just so you know, it was my co-workers who brought your blog to my attention. I could not imagine what the laughter was in the other room. Little did I know when I had the "Olan Mills" picture taken that it would be the subect of such abuse. You probably do need to apologize to Nikki. Her picture is the grand prize winner. Love ya, and thanks for making my day. momma

Nikki said...

Rob, first of all congratulations on posting a picture. Second, I agree that you have the cowboy hat. Mom and grandma have helmets, Holly has got some sort of trapezoidal shape and mine, I can't even name it. The closest is an indian headdress. If you look closer at me you'll see that I'm also missing my front teeth. Altogether it makes for a pitiful picture. Thanks mom for giving us something to laugh about later in life. Happy Birthday!!!
Love you!

Libby said...

I don't think this picture is pitiful at all. I think it is something to marvel at. Scientists would probably love to figure out your formula for withstanding gravity. Also-kudos on your picture post. I still can't scan in old pics. If I could, maybe my family would have to hide.