Saturday, May 17, 2008

We are both a little attached

Campbell is going through a funny little stage. Sometimes when I leave the room she bursts into tears. At first I was flattered but now....hmmm. No, it really does make me feel like I am important in her life. She needs me and it really is good to feel needed.
When I leave Campbell home with Nate while I run errands, I really miss her. I wonder if she is performing a new trick or making a new noise. Sometimes when she goes to bed earlier than normal I miss her. It's nice to have some time to myself and I know that I need "alone time" but still. I just love my little girl. We are both a little attached.

Side Note: When I do comeback from running errands I always imagine that she is going to squeal with delight when she sees me. It never happens. Not one single noise ever comes out of her mouth. She just kind of looks at me like I've been there the whole time. I don't get it.


Heather said...

Avery never cries when I leave. It kinda makes me wonder. In fact, sometimes she will open the door for me and say "bye!" Luckily though she is happy when I come home, otherwise I would REALLY wonder!!!

Libby said...

It's probably just the poker face. I'm sure she's squealing on the inside!

Anonymous said...

I like to be the one who gets Campbell from her crib in the morning because it is a guaranteed happy fest. She is all smiles and sometimes laughing when she realizes I'm busting her out of the joint.