Friday, September 5, 2008

Summer Vacation 2008

I've decided blogging is more of a winter sport. At least for me anyways. I've been lazy about posting and lazy about commenting. I've had quite a few people ask me where I went on vacation. We went to Maui and we had a blast. I should have posted sooner but I think I've already explained why I probably didn't. Just lazy shmazy. So, now I don't remember a lot of the fun details and I took maybe 10 photos the whole time I was there. I didn't even take a beach type picture. Who goes to Hawaii and doesn't take a single picture of the beach? Ummm...that would be me. WAAHH!

I drank out of this big pineapple at the Luau. My hand looks weird.

Just some cool pictures in the Maui junglemountains.

The balcony of our condo

Me and C at the Luau

It might appear that I went on this vacation with just Nate and Campbell but there was actually 20 plus Healys. It was so much fun to be with family in such a beautiful place. Goodbye Maui, it was nice meeting you. Let's do it me.


Molly said...

Looks like fun! I gotta get J there someday. Maui is one of my favorite places.

Libby said...

Ah, as I like to say "here today, gone to Maui". I am getting some mileage out of variations on that phrase (i.e. my post title of a few days back). Anyhoo-it was a great time. You need to post your "amazing" parasailing pictures. If for nothing else, then for the alterna-sportiness of it all.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture Robin, you two are lookin super cute.

Molly said...

Tomorrow's great, or next monday too. call me.

the Rabes said...

Fun fun fun!! I am so glad you guys got to go! What a fun summer vaca. C is getting so big, I just love her and I am so happy we got to hang-out on the grass for a while in UT. lOVE YOU!

Kim said...

Miss C's tooth (or teeth I can't tell) is an adorable addition to her smile. And, she got her own shell lei. What a lucky little lady. Looks like a very fun family vacation.

Amy said...

What an adorable family Robin. I love the pictures. You did a good job for only taking 10 pics.

Heather said...

How fun! C is SOOOO cute! What a great family vacay!

Adrienne said...

How Fun! I hope to meet Maui someday too...someday. You look beautiful in your pics (of course!), I am glad you had a good time!