Sunday, September 28, 2008

What the FROG!

Friday morning(early morning)as I lay in bed I heard a thump and then Campbell's cry. I assumed she bumped her head on her crib and it woke her up. I went in her room to comfort her and heard another thump coming from the window well. I thought for sure it was a bird because it has happened before. It was dark outside and I couldn't see anything so I left it at that. When I woke up for the day I opened the curtains to see what the deal was and this big guy was looking at me.

This is the biggest frog I have ever seen. I googled him and it looks like he is a north american bullfrog. Who knew! Nate's sister Sarah is in town and she was brave enough to retrieve him from the window. We let him go in the backyard. Who knows where he is now. The neighbor was mowing the lawn at the time so hopefully he found a safe path. Seriously...what the frog!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Campbell is ONE!

Campbell's 1st birthday was Thursday the 25th. I asked her if she felt any different and she just looked at me. I think that's a no. We celebrated with ice cream, cake and a pinata. We are so thankful for everyone that was able to come out to honor our little birthday girl.
I just want to document a few things she is doing at 12 months/1yr old
-army crawling(Nate calls it the wounded marine)
-just starting to pull herself up onto small things. Not ready for a coffee table just yet.
-new sound effects: When she sees a can of soda or any drink she gasps like she just took a drink
-new words: baby, mama & dada(she knows what they mean), ball(sounds like bah) Ah Oh...get it!
-tricks: If you say Campbell where's my nose she will grab it. She knows where my eyes are too.
-favorite activites: peek-a-boo with Dad, crawling into the bathroom(sick), sliding on the wood floors
-she doesn't self feed. I have to feed her everything. She does like milk..Hooray!
-her wave has advanced from a two handed wave to an official one handed wave.
-she likes itsy bitsy spider by Grandma Jan.
-she carries lip gloss with her all day long(she doesn't apply it, she just likes to hold it. If I take it away she screams like the dickens)
-she leans in for a kiss and gives me hugs(melts my heart)
Here are some pictures from the birthday bash. I think we were focused on the video camera so of course I only have a few pictures.

Campbell sitting in one of the gift boxes.

Random party pics

Monday, September 8, 2008

Chippity Chop

I decided to put a stop to this long hair charade of mine. I looked at my hair last week and it reminded me of this(minus the eggs).

I'm just not capable of maintaining anything that lingers past my shoulders. I would have cut it sooner but the lady at the chinese restaurant we frequent told me I looked MUUUUUUUUUUCH younger with long hair. I don't know why I even cared about what she said but I did. I think when she told me it was at a sensitive moment in my life. hair kind of looks like it did when I got married. Kind of like this picture of Sienna(give or take)when it isn't greasy.

I just hope I can style it properly.'s late.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Summer Vacation 2008

I've decided blogging is more of a winter sport. At least for me anyways. I've been lazy about posting and lazy about commenting. I've had quite a few people ask me where I went on vacation. We went to Maui and we had a blast. I should have posted sooner but I think I've already explained why I probably didn't. Just lazy shmazy. So, now I don't remember a lot of the fun details and I took maybe 10 photos the whole time I was there. I didn't even take a beach type picture. Who goes to Hawaii and doesn't take a single picture of the beach? Ummm...that would be me. WAAHH!

I drank out of this big pineapple at the Luau. My hand looks weird.

Just some cool pictures in the Maui junglemountains.

The balcony of our condo

Me and C at the Luau

It might appear that I went on this vacation with just Nate and Campbell but there was actually 20 plus Healys. It was so much fun to be with family in such a beautiful place. Goodbye Maui, it was nice meeting you. Let's do it me.