Wednesday, July 9, 2008

There's a first time for everything

I don't have a lot to blog about these days. The laptop is on the fritz so I take my turn on the desktop. I don't know how to load pictures on this monster computer. I'm sure it's not hard but I am a slow learner. I thought I would jot down a few dittys while they are fresh on the mind. Here goes...

1st trip to the E.R. - Another overreaction from 1st time parents.
1st word - Campbell says AH OH when something drops to the ground. Now she is making a fun game out of it. She has blabbed mama and dada but she doesn't associate them with us. I am counting AH OH as the first.
1st tooth - I thought it would never get here. She started showing the signs of teething at 5 months. Finally 4 months later a tooth is born. Why do I even care???
1st drink from a cup - I gave Campbell a cup of water at the family reunion. She liked it. It was a team effort. She opened her mouth and I poured it in. She kept opening her mouth for more. This probably isn't a big deal to anyone else. Campbell refused a binky and a bottle so for me this is huge.


Anonymous said...

You care. I didn't know Campbell had a tooth! Big News! Even little news is news. So thanks for sharing the news. Love ya

Libby said...

Hurray for Campbell. Where is this tooth of hers? I'll have to check it out next time I see her. Also-don't worry about the ER thing I would have done it to.

Heather said...

So what happened with the ER? and YAY for a tooth!!!

Audrey said...

I think EVERYTHING is a BIG thing (esp. with your 1st) so tell away cuz I think it is fun to hear about!

Audrey said...

p.s. can i please have your header?? it is my all time fave!

Unknown said...

Hey there... just wanted to make sure you have our blog address:



Brooke said...

Robin, it's Brooke! How frickin' cute is Campbell? I have looks at your blog from time-to-time, but rudely never commented. The black-and-white picture of her is seriously the most precious thing I have ever seen! I hope your doing well and loving being a mamma!