This is a tag yo. I haven't done one of these in a while. My friend Kendra had this on her blog so I'm stealin' it.
The Rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Sidenote - Attention are required to leave a comment. Just in case no one else does I don't want to feel like a loser.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
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Robsy, I have a few favorites but will control myself and put just this one.
Working with you at CSI was a highlight for me. I loved having you there and being able to see you every day. I was so sad when you quit and started working at M.S. I felt all alone and that is when I really started to hate that place. I would listen to headphones ALL day and hated when lunch time came around because I felt so alone.
I love you!
I can't exactly remember a memory that we had "together" except the time when you threw a rock at my head (but then again I don't remember that one all too well, hmmmm?). Our lack of concurrent memories must be because we're so far apart in age and gender. In any case I do remember things like you getting mad at me because I didn't like your boyfriend, Mr. M. I think it was. The funny thing is that that was the first time I felt your love for me and it also made me realize how important it is that I love you too (Now I'm verclemped).
PS I don't have a blog, so sorry charly.
I'm sorry but my favorite is the Tea party you invited all your friends to. You just neglected to tell me about it. I found out from a neighbor [Deanna] when she called to see if she needed to send a gift. You made invitations as I recall. I don't remember how old you were [maybe 6 or 7] I remember, I could not even get mad becuase I thought it was so funny. We had the party, and Holly always reminds me about it, because I was very strict about just haviing partys when you were preschool, 8, 12 & 16. You think about it and that is alot of partys with 5 kids. Anyway, I thought you were pretty creative. Love, momma
I have many fun memories of you at good old CSI. I remember loving your fun style right off and mostly loving you funny personality. You made work go by so fast. The days you weren't at CSI were the LONGEST days ever! I mostly enjoyed just talking to you and catching up on all the good shows together. And what would Halloween be without your creative costumes. I also loved the Ham Extravaganza. You put on one nice party!! I also loved the party we attended in Draper (it was fun). I just loved being with you and thought your apartment in SLC was so cool! Thanks for being such a good friend!!!
I can't think of any certain memory right now. I'll just look back on our lives and smile at all the times you greeted me with a hug and made me laugh with a witty remark. I love you.
Hmmmm, let's see...a good memory.
How about when you came down to our house and we went out to eat...I remember you eating the fish and chips and now every time I go to that restaurant I think of you :)
Also, I vividly remember your wedding dress...LOVED IT.
Um, we've had some good times in Powell as well but I can't put my finger on a specific memory
I remember some pretty good times driving to school. Getting about 3/4 of the way to the top of the pass on a snowy morning. Having to turn around and go through the canyon. That time the windshield wipers stopped working in the canyon and me having to drive and manually move the wipers at the same time. I think I scared Amy Rasley a lot! You really bugged me some times but at the same time I was really proud to have you for a sis. Love your guts!!!
Lots of memories but I'll pick my most exotic one -- our trip to the Czech republic where we were both twitterpated with our now husbands then just dating. You're so easy to get along with a great traveling companion. Oh, and funny too.
Traveling tips: Take lots of snacks ! Emily loves the Num-Num crackers (you can get em at that big box store, or other local chains). They have no nutritional value though (but are low in calories so I feel ok about them) and they kept fussiness at bay. I still nurse Emily so I nursed her on the plane to help her ears. I picked an aisle set and attempted to be as inconspicuous as you can be when you're nursing. Her ears didn't seem very bugged though so I probably could have skipped that part.
If you're taking a stroller take it to the gate and check it there that way you don't have to haul your bambino a mile inside the airport. We checked our carseat at the ticket counter with our bags. We didn't need a birth certificate on Jet Blue for our outgoing flights to San Diego and Seattle, but did on Southwest on the way home (In my experience, Southwest is really yukky about traveling with kids - no pre-board, etc).
Really wasn't bad at all. I had myself a little worked up before and everything was just peachy.
Thanks for asking, and sorry you got way more info than you asked for.
Hope you have a great time.
I remember when you, Missy, and I got really pumped up to go see Step Up. Afterward, we were totally excited about dancing. Pretty funny considering that none of us are dancers and that you and I were probably the two oldest people in the theater.
Alpha and Omega baby! Laughing so hard our faces CRACKED! ha ha! I am in Utah for a minute! I need yer phone #.
let's see, let's see.
All my memories with you involve eating.
We need to get together for some food again!
One of my favorite memories was in Rome. We forgot your passport or some form of ID and subsequently lost my family who had already boarded the subway. So you and I ran all around the city trying to find them. We ended up randomly walking past them on the street by the coluseeum.
Robin, First of all I love you. But one of my fav memories is of you on your death bed, hair twisted and matted like a bad toupee, dazed from all the nyquill at the all hours clinic. You were so sick and all Jenny and I could do is laugh because you were normally so put together and perfect but that day you looked alot like a fraggel. I also love the phone dedications we used to make to pheobe. Ahhh good times.
Love Megan
So many memories...such a little box! The trips to Hires for Diet RB and yummy ice were great. And I also remember our short walk home from seeing Charlie's Angels in which a door was kicked open and there also might have been an air karate chop or two. We were SO cool. :)
Well robin were do i began....
the first thing that pops into my head is---COREY-DECA. good old mr. jenkins, need i say more. late nights trying to finish our homework and going to that dive grocery store in down town ogden, looking for supplies to finish our project- what were we thinking!!! i cant beleive i remembered that ;]
Every time you come to mind, i think of that lime green neon shirt you wore of mine to park city-- sorry!! but you were still cute.
dont be a stranger
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