I might have a problem. No wait, I do have a problem. I've decided that I need to go on a television diet. I need to cut out all programs that talk about serial killers and animals that eat humans. Monday night was really nice and I wanted to go on a walk but I remembered the story I saw on "Dateline" Saturday night. It was about some rapist/killer that preyed upon women joggers. So, I didn't walk.
My father in-law lives near the mountains. I think his yard is so pretty and when the weather has been nice, I've wanted to take Campbell up there and walk around the premises. Then I remembered the program I saw on "bear attacks." So, I decided to stay home. Am I crazy? Don't answer that.
P.S. I know bears aren't that common around here but you never know. Truthfully, I'm probably more concerned that a cougar will attack me. Oh, now I've said too much.
Try living in Alaska.... you really could be a bears lunch.... I try not to think about it. Of course we carry bear spray or a gun when we go hiking, so that makes it kinda hard not to. Fun eh?
I think this all started when you were little and you would not go to the Pleasant View Park to swing without an adult. It was a simpler world back then. I think you heard someone talking about how someone got kidnaped from a park..... and that was the end of that. Lions and Tigers and Bear oh my!!!
I have a similar fear. I am afraid of serial killing bears. These aren't the kind of bear that prey upon serial killers mind you (seeing as how I am not a serial killer and if I were one - a serial killer that is - I probably wouldn't be afraid of bears that prey upon serial killers because, hey, if the police can't catch me, how is a bear going to?), but the kind of bear that focus on a specific target, like people with fish in their pocket (which I guess opens up the possibility that indeed serial killing bears could prey upon serial killers if, and only if, the serial killers have fish in their pocket).
I have the same problem with TV. I can't watch scary movies, because when I'm home alone I think a masked man with a chainsaw is going to break through my door!
OK last night when I was talking about girls camp and that they said it is bear country, I am totally nervous about it!! I have to sleep in a tent for three days mind you!!!
I remember the first time I was up at Nate's Dad's hot tub, and the Hubby and Nate were telling me about how there are all sorts of wild cats roaming around up there . . . and then for some reason they left, I was up there by myself, and I was too scared to yell down for help because I was afraid to call attention to the fact that I was alone, just in case the wild cats understood me or something. It seemed like forever before Jason remembered that he left me up there by myself!!!!
Ever since we found a random sleeping bag in the birdhouse at my dad's, I have a fear of being approached by a homeless person. Maybe I shouldn't have told you that.
Wow!! I think that pic of the bear could pretty much bring fear into anyone's eyes now. Stay away for danger!! Don't move unitl I come to UT. We can have lunch at a safe haven.
Jon and I have always taught our kids not to fight...unless a stranger is trying to take them and then they can kick, bite, poke in the eyes, etc., etc.
Do you think that will work with a bear?
I have the same problem when I watch Law and Order. Steer clear of that one.
Also, after reading Mac's comment I think you should solicite him to make weekly contributions as a guest blogger. He is hilarious.
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